Commercialize Your Influence: Coaching, Consulting & Agency Services

Welcome to our series on Commercializing Your Influence! Every week we will dig deep into strategies you can use right now to expand your personal brand and create new wealth streams.

Our own clients from around the world are working in niches such as health, speaking, wellness, spirituality, business, education, events, and coaching. And they have all used these models with their own personal brands and marveled at how quickly and elegantly they work.

We’re kicking off with a model that may be familiar to you already … but read on, as we share some very important strategies and ideas to make the most of it!

Coaching, consulting & agency services

These three realms are where the vast majority of our clients start out. Many of them are coaching or consulting or offering agency services, usually selling around the $2,000 mark, maybe up to $8,000 if they’ve built a reputation for delivering consistent results. But when our team talks with them about $100K and $250K offers, it sounds like magic. And yes, there’s a bit of magic in it. But it’s the magic of confidence and owning your genius. Ultimately, if you are a true Icon, you absolutely can sell at this level.

We are going to use the terms coach and consultant and strategist without getting too bogged down in the nuances of definitions and meanings. Effectively, coaches, consultants and strategists apply a Done With You model at the very top end, and Agencies and Consultants apply a Done For You model.

Now, WHAT you coach is proprietary. That’s what you are best in the world at, and because you own that IP and modeling, we don’t tell you what goes into your coaching model, but we want to give you some examples of what is working now, so you can be inspired to take what you are best in the world at and turn it into an irresistible offer.

The Blueprint as a starting point

With our own clients, we suggest they start with a blueprint offering. This is an intensive engagement—somewhere between a half-day and three days—in which you’re working with a client at the front end of their offer or their vision or their goals. During the session, you help them create a blueprint or roadmap or custom strategy for their next steps. You are doing the heavy lifting of creating this blueprint, guiding them through the process and making expert decisions, but you’re getting paid really well to do it. And when it’s over, they come out of the session with the input they need to execute something that will transform their business or life for the better. (And also become a loyal follower of your philosophy for life.)

Here’s the reason we do this: You can take that blueprint or roadmap that you’ve created with that client, and upsell them to a longer private offer to help them to execute it. That’s why we start here. Think of this as a qualification process for both you and the client. Bring them in, spend half a day to three days with them, figure out whether you want to work with them in the longer term, and if you do, then upsell them. Get them into a longer-term private coaching offer.

Up-leveling for more impact

Effectively what you want to be doing is offering consistent coaching to ensure that your client is getting optimum results. And because this work is ongoing and intensive, you will only want to take on a handful of people at this level. You want to give yourself breathing space and set up boundaries so you have the bandwidth to support five or ten of these clients at a time. No more. (Especially since you’ll be creating new content, building your brand, and expanding your business at the same time.)

Here are some logistical suggestions for creating your long-term private offer:

  • PRICE RANGE: $100K – $500K
  • TIMEFRAME: From 3 months to 1 year
  • FORMAT: In-person or virtual or a combination of both
  • TRIGGER: Generally starts with a blueprint offer then transitions to either done with you or coaching model where you help the client to execute the blueprint

Coaching, consulting & agency offer examples

Eager to up-level but wondering what types of engagements you might explore? Here are three examples that can be customized to fit your clients and area of expertise:

  • Spirituality/consciousness coaching with two intensives, one at the beginning of the offer and one at the end of the contract. Consistent coaching meetings to ensure optimum results. Access via Slack with some private attention.
  • Relationship coaching with couples intensive at the beginning, then two private intensives with individuals. Coaching sessions as a couple and individuals as check-in points, and private Voxer access.
  • Private business coaching towards a set goal. Virtual intensive at the beginning to create a roadmap and agree steps towards the goal, weekly check-ins to ensure success and Voxer access as required.

If a business consultant or strategist is working with a CEO at the $100K level, they can bump it up to the $250K level by adding in workshops with critical team members as an upsell.

It’s worth noting that we’ve seen people renew these long-term offers over and over again, so our clients end up working with their clients over the really long term. There are plenty of ways that you can turn this into something much bigger than you thought possible.

And as you explore this commercialization strategy, always remember that this isn’t about setting up big groups: that is a mainstream model. We’re talking about Iconic offers: high-ticket, bespoke, exclusive experiences that the luxury market is eager to buy!

Want to learn more about commercializing your influence as an Icon? Watch our masterclass BEYOND INFLUENCE: How Elite Influencers, Creators And Personal Brands Are Landing Massive Deals And Clients.

Watching it is your first step toward new worlds of wealth and success.



Don’t settle for mainstream. Elite founders, creators, experts and entrepreneurs are landing multi-million dollar deals and clients. Join the Icons. Watch Iconic Influencers’ CEO, Kathryn Porritt’s latest Masterclass: Become the Most Expensive now.