How a Publisher and Marketer Saved $100k+ with Iconic Influencers (And Three Tips to Ensure You Attract the Right Clients)

The CEO and founder of Beverly Hills Publishing, Andrea Albright has a compelling offer. She helps industry thought leaders publish books in just 90 days. This allows them to maximize their impact and generate as much PR as possible.

Today, Andrea’s brand has reached her ideal clients, to the point that she has had to turn off her attraction systems!

But at one point, she was on the verge of taking her offer in a direction that wouldn’t attract the right types of clients.

Andrea’s Original Path

Before entering the book publishing niche, Andrea worked in internet marketing. While that gave her an amazing base for her current business, it also meant she got stuck on certain marketing methods.

Originally, she intended on creating a webinar as her main offer. The goal was to charge between $2,000 and $5,000 for a lower end offer.

If you recognize that type of offer, it’s because it’s the same offer type that everybody else uses.

That webinar would only have given her a certain level of credibility. If she’d followed that path, she’d end up only attracting clients at the lower end of the “high ticket” spectrum of the market. This would essentially place a cap on her maximum earnings. Furthermore, she’d have to provide services to a lot of clients which achieves returns below her full potential.

Thankfully, she came to Iconic Influencers before using this webinar strategy.

Transforming Her Service Into a Premium Offer to Attract Luxury Clients

Andrea explained the massive mindset shift she had when she started working with us:
“Since I’ve been partnering with you, you have expanded my vision to see that there’s a huge section of the market, which we would call premium thought leaders, who are not being served.”
That’s the luxury market that she needed to target. Those are the luxury clients that move the needle for a business because they require a premium service. A webinar wouldn’t attract these clients because they’re not looking for basic service for a couple of thousand dollars. With us, Andrea discovered that serving people at a lower value actually requires more work. It also takes more time because you need to attract more of them to make the business work. Shifting her focus to premium clients was a revelation. She discovered that these types of clients are the real thought leaders in their niches and they’re ready to invest in their brand and their message. For these luxury clients, it isn’t about cost. It’s about getting a level of service that matches the quality of their brand. That’s exactly what Andrea’s able to offer.

As a result, she can now work with a smaller subset of high-value, incredibly driven luxury clients, instead of dozens of low-end clients. Plus, she’s able to put all of her focus into ensuring the premium clients get the exact service that they expect.

Originally, Andrea planned to make an offer that would earn $5,000 maximum.

Today, she has a $100,000 offer that she is selling consistently.

That means what she’s making from one premium client is what she would have made from 20+ low-end ones.

It’s a completely different league and it’s had a huge impact on her business.

How Andrea Also Saved Money

It’s not just higher value clients that Andrea’s benefitted from. She says that working with Iconic Influencers means she’s actively saving a lot of money:

“I believe that you have saved me, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars then millions of dollars for the long term because I would have gone down a path that would have created a lot of work, a lot of chaos, a lot of stress.”

This is an aspect of making premium offers that often goes under-appreciated. Let’s say that Andrea took her original path and needed 20 clients to get to $100k. That’s 20 times the work for the same amount of money. That means she’d need to invest more in resources and build a larger team to handle the workload. It also means there are 20 times more issues with clients for her to deal with. That’s another investment of time that she could spend on building more revenue. These are the ramifications of attracting clients at the low end of the spectrum. You get so bogged down in extra work that you can’t focus on building your business. And you end up spending more money, in terms of both what you have now and what you could earn in the future.

What’s Next for Andrea?

Andrea says that she sees her business plan accelerating much faster than she ever thought possible. What she thought would take her five years to achieve is now something that she can achieve in a single year. Now, the sky truly is the limit for her. Andrea said that she envisions working with Iconic Influencers for a long time to come. She has a big vision for her future, and she knows that she needs somebody who understands the scale of her ambition and who can take care of her branding, PR, and representation from a luxury branding standpoint. She’s focused on making sure she keeps attracting the right types of clients, serving at the deepest level, and creating extraordinary value for her and for them. And the right types of clients can do the same for your business. Andrea’s already attracting her luxury clients. And with these tips, you can follow in her footsteps.

Tip #1 – Focus on the Right Type of Visibility

Andrea’s webinar would certainly have gotten her some visibility. However, it would be the same visibility that everybody had and it wouldn’t help her build her business. She’d be visible to a crowd of low-end clients that would create extra work and stress. When we talk about visibility, we really mean that you must make yourself visible to the right types of clients. The idea is to intentionally market yourself to the right people so that you can create deep relationships. You’re not looking for clients who’ll pay you and leave you to provide the service. Instead, you’re looking for clients who want to become partners, referrers, and long-term premium clients. That may involve networking, holding speaking events, or producing certain types of media. What’s key is that these activities must put you in front of the people that you want to work with. Identify what your premium client looks like and focus on creating deep relationships with them.


Tip #2 – Build Authority

The fact is, authority isn’t about credentials or experience. Those are all nice things to have, but they’re not going to move the needle when it comes to attracting premium clients. Authority is really about the proof you can offer to show that you deliver on your promises. It’s about having amazing case studies from clients who love what you do. And it’s about taking your message to the market in such a way that it establishes your authority in front of your ideal client. Your social proof shows that you can deliver on your promises, which is what a premium client really wants to see. Authority is also about holding your own in sales conversations. Remember that you’re the person who has the answer to their problem. Your authority comes from positioning yourself as a problem solver for a specific type of client. It’s also got nothing to do with podcasts or YouTube channels. Rather, it’s about getting yourself in the right mindset and knowing that you’re the person who your ideal client needs.

Tip #3 – Create Relatability

When most people think about relatability, they think it’s about sharing the latest things their kids did or posting pictures of their breakfast on social media.

These things don’t make you relatable to your ideal client.

Relatability is all about figuring out how you can make somebody feel really comfortable working with you.

For example, I have a lot of clients who tell me they want to work with celebrities.

In response, I ask them what they’d do if Salma Hayek walked in the room today with $100,000 and told them that she wanted to work with them. Most of the time, I get a reaction that’s built on the idea that this would never happen.

Why not? After all, this is the exact situation that you want to find yourself in if your goal is to work with celebrities.

If you think that your ideal scenario is too good to be true, you can’t relate to your ideal luxury client.

Having the authority to stand in front of that ideal client and feel like you belong there is how you become relatable.

Find the Right Luxury Clients for You

Ultimately, finding luxury and premium clients means you’ve got to stop doing what everybody else does. If you think and act as they do, you’ll get the same results as theirs. Achieving results like Andrea’s means you must get yourself in front of the right types of people. Identify who they are and target your marketing towards them. Leverage social proof to show that you can deliver and get yourself in the right mindset to work with these clients. You already have the talent. And you already offer the value. Now, it’s time to make sure your ideal clients can see it. That’s where we can help. Watch our latest Masterclass to find out more.



Don’t settle for mainstream. Elite founders, creators, experts and entrepreneurs are landing multi-million dollar deals and clients. Join the Icons. Watch Iconic Influencers’ CEO, Kathryn Porritt’s latest Masterclass: Become the Most Expensive now.